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Plaster flower candle holder


DIY Fleur en plâtre

Wrap an artificial flower in plaster to create a beautiful piece using  decoSpray.


Plâtre résine et decospray Pebeo
 Materials : 

Difficulty level 

  • Time to make (excluding drying time): 1 hour 30 minutes 

  • Difficulty: easy

DIY fleurs en plâtre

Remove the stem of each flower, as well as the petals from the centre of the flower. Then cut the heart of each flower out to make space for the candle.

DIY fleurs en plâtre

Spray glue on to the centre of the flower to secure the petals.

Dilution du plâtre résine

Mix the precision plaster in the bowl using the ratio of two bowls of plaster for one bowl of water.

DIY fleurs en plâtre

Dip each flower in the mixture so that there is some plaster on all of the petals.

DIY fleurs en plâtre

Shake them lightly over the salad bowl to remove the excess plaster.

DIY fleurs en plâtre

Place each flower onto its base (preferably onto an area where there is some plaster). If necessary, remove some of the petals and place the tealight candle in the centre of the flower.

Let dry for half a day. 

DIY fleurs en plâtre

Remove the candle from its metal base then spray the flower and the base of the candle with the black and white Pébéo Decosprays.

Bougeoir fleur en plâtre
Let dry for 15 minutes, then replace the candle.

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